There is Magic in Together

A six-month small group real time exploration of woman’s oldest, most profound, and enduring questions through the lens of innate wisdom and the courageous pursuit of personal magic.



This is not your first rodeo…


You’ve been working on your inner game well before inspirational quotes were all over instagram but you’ve also never really felt the need to talk about it ad nauseam in social settings or to let it define your identity.

Though you are by no means looking to make personal development an obsession, you do rely on key practices consistently to support you in creating a grounded and aligned life that you love living.


You’ve witnessed others become obsessed with self improvement and spirituality, which doesn’t feel balanced to you either and, at times, it can feel like you’re the only one you know who really values this kind of thing as a foundation rather than a fashion accessory. You’ve experimented with workshops, retreats, and facebook groups but they’ve often felt a bit too flakey, salesy, culty, or just straight up not your thing.

You have a nagging feeling that you are being called to play in a much larger arena and have your doubts about whether your current network is the right one to support you in making the leap. You’ve been keeping an eye out for fun and interesting women with similar aspirations - ones you can share conversations, ideas, and experiences with that keep you connected to feeling elevated, committed, and accountable to living into this largeness you feel called to.


You aren’t looking for more girlfriends who think or act just like you, but rather a core group or confidants that share a deeply committed sense of curiosity, awareness, and humour when it comes to living into the greatest possible expression of their own human potential.

At times you get exhausted witnessing divisiveness and drama coming from friends, family, and the outside world. This unchecked fear and negativity feels draining, overwhelming, and paralyzing. It isn’t where you want to focus.

You are dedicated to channelling your feminine power and energy into what you are for rather than against, what you strongly value, deeply desire, what lights you up from within and would love to create in the world.

Though you are yearning for a solid community, you are not willing to join anything unless it feel like a “10/10 + Hell Yes!” fit for you intuitively, which can ironically feel lonely at times.



Innate Womanhood.

More of what feels right vs. more of what has honestly never worked


What if your personal development journey was built on a steadfast belief in the innate well being, intuition, and feminine wisdom within you rather than a constant low level feeling of dread that you may be doing your life all wrong?

Feelings of being off course, lost, and powerless are often the underlying pain points that inspire us to seek change. Marketers love to leverage this, selling us on outsourcing our intuition and taking up remedial work that plays on our most tender pain points…


But what if these feelings weren’t reflections of our lack, unworthiness, or inadequacy but were merely attempting to nudge us to wake up to our own preprogrammed, innate, and overlooked, inner resources? So many of us have outsourced what is best for us to teachers, gurus, and influencers who we deem more competent when the wisest sage of all is hiding in plain sight, right inside of us.

The journey of knowing yourself more authentically, experiencing clarity around what you really want, trusting your inner wisdom, living from an intuitive source, and connecting deeply and authentically with others is actually preprogrammed into you as your default settings.


Your body is continuously giving you the answers through your feelings and intuition, and the only thing needing doing is to wake up to the perfection of what is, to see with new eyes, and apply courage to addressing the thought created blocks between you and the ancient inexhaustible spring of knowing already inside of you.

We fall asleep and forget these truths about of our default settings on a daily basis, and that is all just a natural part of the spiritual/human hybrid experience we were put on this earth to have. Yet, when we surround ourselves with aware, curious, and compassionate women also on a similar journey, it affords us the luxury of spending more time awake than asleep.

The Innate Woman experience is rooted in this understanding in that innate wellbeing is precisely where we begin from. SPOILER ALERT: It changes everything, why?


You can’t empower something that is innately powerful, you can’t fortify something that is innately strong, you can’t find something that was never lost in the first place…

You can not fix something that was never broken.

This group is an invitation to no longer feel stuck in the muck of the remediation work that comes along with believing that your flaws are your default mode and instead, to set out from the fertile and insightful grounding of your innate well being, your wholeness and completeness, and a trust in the kindness inherent in the design of the feminine human experience.

Are you ready to surround yourself with an inner circle of women that really get you? Women dedicated to elevating one another in living their truth, and to seeing through the fog of our hormones and limiting beliefs in service to creating lives that spring from an elevated and meaningful vantage point?



The Experience.

Six months of deeply transformative shared coaching conversations, wisdom, intuition, vulnerability and feminine power


Let’s get super real here for a minute…

School didn’t even begin to scratch the surface on the hidden curriculum of gracefully embodying feminine power, our parent’s were mostly well meaning behaviourist that taught us how to act in order to fit in and please others, crappy stuff happened to us when we were kids / teens and it messed us up, and not a single other soul on the planet can give you a fail proof blueprint for happiness fulfillment, or success… and you know what? Your entire beautiful, painful, messy origin story is simultaneously prefect and essential. I’ll get to why in a minute…


There are three types of thinkers in the world: those who think that life is happening to them (victims), those that think life is happening for them (optimistic victims), and those who use their thoughts and beliefs to create their lives (creators). The first is a dead end, the second is an ok place to start but the third, the third is charged with freedom, magic, and potential and is where we will begin to explore from, together as a group.

Now back to your origin story. Part of our time together will be spent making sense of your past and seeing it through the powerful new eyes of ownership and self creation mentioned above. Seeing the past clearly is essential to cultivating present moment awareness and a clear and powerful vision of your desired future.

When the past doesn’t make sense for you it will forever rule over you.

Once the past has been reframed and the kindness inherent in the design of the human experience revealed, we move on from it to focus our energy on the generous present moment and what it is you REALLY want. The known past lives purely in your memory and the predictable future is no more than a mirage of varying intensities. The present moment is the only place through which we can access the unknown, and the unknown is our gateway to magic, potential, and infinite possibility.


I created this group because every woman needs a tribe of women with whom to explore our deepest desires, most paralyzing fears, most awe inspiring dreams, and to share our wins with while celebrating each other’s triumphs. Nothing is off limits in this group and I am dead serious when I say NOTHING. We live in a world that has grown progressively hostile towards honesty, free speech, and curiosity. There has never been a more important time in history for you to create who you are and claim what is yours with intention and power.

We will explore the unanswered questions that are burning at the heart of your being through the lenses of six timeless female archetypes: The Lover, The Great Mother, The Mystic, The Medicine Woman, The Warrior, and The Dark Goddess. We approach our exploration together with the understanding that whatever is beneath the surface is there intentionally to help you grow. Often taboo topics like duty, ownership, sacrifice, shame, guilt, ego, competition, regret, loss, grief, depression, anxiety, weakness, fear, integrity, values, competition, sex, love, infidelity, family, culture, purpose, sadness, and anger are all fully welcomed here.


This is a depth work experience for powerful intuitive women. I am here to do for you what others have done for me on my journey of becoming: to hear you cleanly without judgement, understand your thinking, really honestly get you, nurture you, challenge you, hold you accountable to the greatness I see in you, and ultimately help to wake you up to the really cool and magical stuff you have locked away inside you.

It is my job as your facilitator to create the optimal energetic environment for insight, breakthroughs, community, and growth, trusting that these processes will unfold from within you exactly when and as they are meant to. I point in the direction of Truth and invite you to get curious. I carry the steadfast belief in the efficacy and the power of small group depth work and facilitate a space where shared wisdom and the force of miracle can spontaneously ignite.

* This is Your Official Invitation *

Join me and six other powerful, receptive, and intuitive women on the journey of a lifetime embarking November, 2021…

The Fall 2021 group will meet the first three Wednesday’s of each month from 7pm -9:30pm PST via zoom from November 2021 - April 2021. Three one on one coaching sessions are also included for each participant throughout the program.

The investment is $500 plus GST per woman, per month.

Love. Katie


You ARE Ready

( were actually born ready)

The time has come to say yes to that innate ancient knowing within you, to stare what’s been keeping you stuck dead in the eyes, to channel your feminine power, and to claim the purpose driven life that is your birthright.

Set yourself free…